Integrating theory and practice of religious education (RE) and catechesis for youth in faith community in the Timor-Leste context
Crisogno Soares Freitas Pereira Introduction The rationale of this assignment is the integration of theory and practice underpinning the religious formation of youth in a Catholic community context in Timor-Leste. The focus is youth (12-18 years) as they are at a critical stage in their faith development and they are the future of this country. They are faced with many negative influences which could seriously stunt their growth in faith and lessen their ability to engage positively with life. The community is an important locus to assist the personal development of youth especially those living in towns. Given the challenges of this modern era they need help to develop and deepen their spirituality, personal faith, religious understanding and practice. 1. Developmental stages of youth (12-18 years) Sociologists and psychologists when dealing with the development of this age group stress that they are searching for identity and a sense of self. The...